Water Capsule Submarine

Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front

Water Capsule Submarine highlights the relationship between land and water. Located at the Central and Western District Promenade, this artwork takes the form of a single dew droplet that appears on the lawn.

Water Capsule Submarine
Hong Kong
2021 - 2022
Art Promotion Office
Hattrick Creative Ltd
Xu Liang Leon, whynotsplash
Paul Tse, Evelyn Ting, Tylor Chu, Hwanseo Lee, Anthony Tai, Jessica Lai
Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front
Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front with children playing
Close up of temporary bubble art installation structure
Inside temporary bubble art installation structure
Inside temporary bubble art installation structure
Inside temporary bubble art installation structure
Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front with city skyline during sunset
Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front with buildings in background
Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front
Temporary bubble art installation structure on Hong Kong harbour front at night
Hong kong harbour front at night
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A submarine-like space carved into the water droplet frames and captures the city’s skyline, filters the surrounding landscape through a ripple texture and invites the audience to experience the city underwater. Constructed out of a double inflatable skin, visitors can see and be seen through the rippling water. Light plays an important role as well. During the day, the translucent double-layered curved envelope reflects and refracts the sun, casting the ripple texture onto the grass. At night, the water droplet becomes illuminated, a reminder of the precious value of water to the city.

inspiration from water droplet
Openings puncture the water droplet to address the surrounding site conditions - one connecting the harbour back to the park, one highlighting the grass and one framing the sky.
Temporary Bubble Art Installation Hong Kong Site Plan Drawing
water capsule submarine perspective drawing
Water capsule submarine sectional drawing
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+852 2774 9008
13B, 40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
©2025 New Office Works