Cheung Sha Wan Pier Canopy

Outdoor Structure
Pier with undulating canopy and Hong Kong skyline in background

An undulating canopy, which in plan echoes the aggregation of boats docked along the harbourfront, offers shading and rain shelter.

Cheung Sha Wan Pier Canopy
Hong Kong
2019 - 2023
Sun Hung Kai Properties
Jeudi Wang
Rory Gardiner
Evelyn Ting, Paul Tse, Hwanseo Lee, Tylor Chu, Felix Zhan, Marleen Stokkeby, Ethan Loo, Ethan Law, Anthony Tai, Jessica Ying
Structural Engineer (Schematic Design)
Simon Pickard
Elevation view of pier canopy with Hong Kong skyline in the backgroundInterior of silver undulating pier canopy and Hong Kong skyline in background
Elevation view of undulating pier canopy and Hong Kong skyline in background
Pier canopy entrance with stepped roof profile
Silver undulating roof of pier canopy with standing seamSilver pier canopy roof with stepping profile
Curved steps with wood decking at end of pier overlooking Hong Kong harbour
Pier canopy silhouette with blue sky background
Silver pier canopy with truck and tarp in foreground
Aerial view of refurbished pier and undulating pier canopy along industrial waterfront
Undulating pier canopy with boats in the background
Aerial view of pier canopy with boats and Hong Kong Island in the background
Aerial view of undulating pier canopy roof and water
Birds eye view of pier canopy
Night aerial view of pier canopy with glowing lighting effect
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The pier canopy is located along the Cheung Sha Wan promenade, a newly refurbished stretch of waterfront on the west side of the Kowloon Peninsula. The site is a mix of old and new, with the pier situated in between new residential and commercial development to the northwest and the more industrial wholesale food market to the southeast. It is also part of a larger waterfront landscape upgrade. The pier and promenade are connected back to the city fabric through three main routes - a generous open-air path connecting to the MTR station, a path through the adjacent Townplace West Kowloon’s central courtyard, and an intimate path next to the residential complex.

Pier canopy with boats in the background
The landscape treatment of the pier seamlessly integrates with the terraced seating and planting along the promenade. The pier elicits a sense of movement and provides visitors with a magnificent view of the Hong Kong Harbour skyline.
1967 photo of Cheung Sha Wan dockside near Lai Chi Kok road

The design of the pier canopy stems from two key elements of the site - the boats and the water. Historically, this section of the waterfront was quite active in offloading cargo, with the docking of boats appearing like an extension of the pier itself. The design of the roof canopy makes reference to this informal pattern of aggregation, while also breaking up the mass of the roof. Structurally, the roof is divided into five strips that shift in plan and section, giving spatial diversity to the space below. The variation in roof levels creates voids that allow for passive cooling and cross-ventilation. Throughout the day, sunlight penetrates the shelter creating an interplay of light and shadow. At night, interior light seeps through the gaps between the roofs, leaving a distinctive profile floating above the water.

Concept plan diagrams for pier canopy

The canopy utilizes a steel structure composed of cylindrical columns and curved beams. The tallest roof strip is located in the middle and the roof level steps down on either side. Instead of doubling up the columns along the roof edge, the lower roof is hung from the higher roof through a series of suspension rods. A standing seam roof is used to clad the roof on the top, the grooves enhancing the curved roof profile, while satin aluminum panels form the ceiling below, reflecting the rippling water on its surface.

Exploded axonometric drawing of a pier re-development
Elevation drawing of a pier re-development
Floor Plan drawing of a pier re-development
Roof Plan drawing of a pier re-development
Section drawing of a pier re-development
Roof detail drawing of a pier re-development
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architectural model of pier with undulating canopyarchitectural model of pier with undulating canopy
+852 2774 9008
13B, 40 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
©2025 New Office Works